
from evy's garden


Dec 1, 2022

stop dilly daddling

get up and throw some naked

nonsense on the fence

Nov 30, 2022

i love your weirdness.

not quirky and not stylish,

just weird. genuine.

my love embraces

me, flowing from tip to toe,

offering me warmth

Oct 22, 2022

when my bladder calls

i ignore that needy bitch

(wouldn't recommend)

Oct 21, 2022

in my dreams, he smiles

and holds me. soft like he was

sometimes, not often.

why do i ignore

my bladder when it calls me?

not now, i reply

i can't be perfect

now, but i can be better

through iteration

Oct 19, 2022

green vines twirl around

cables, reaching for the floor:

the grand adventure

look at me! she shouts

leaping from couch to sofa

with a not-quite flip

Oct 18, 2022

group houses are like

polyamory: different,

fullfilling, more work

i love when we play

and i squeal, and you giggle,

and i giggle too

Oct 14, 2022

nostalgia for them

annoyed at everyone but

me. i was special.

rules: create constraints

which breed creativity

but can be worth breaking

drawing hearts over

glass kissed by the wet and warmth

of a long shower

Oct 13, 2022

the night pulls at you,

but the blankets support you.

tomorrow awaits.

Oct 12, 2022

on the same page and

on the same couch, under a

pile of soft blankets

liquid shame bringing

sustenance to a hungry

unhungry body

Oct 11, 2022

her eyes, face, and mind

like fog on a cloudy day

chills you to the bones

Oct 9, 2022

i have agency

i can choose anything now

i can change my mind

i make decisions

informed by what i know, and

knowing i can grow

tossing and sorting

bringing order to your life

gives me so much joy

chaos turns to piles

categories bring fresh space

for new adventures

Oct 8, 2022

you're not too needy,

you're good at noticing needs

and asking for them.

when words or colour

flow freely from my fingers,

i feel like i'm me

your body covers

me like a weighted blanket

or a tiny home

Oct 7, 2022

my brain is full now.

i close my eyes to prevent

things from falling out

motion in windows

change already happening

this is time to rest

me want bite, want bite,

me want plant corndog delight,

water twinkie nice

Oct 6, 2022

they told me this could

happen. and now here i am,

sad but not surprised.

when you ask questions

that i can answer, i feel

useful // powerful

morning dew persists

suspended between the trees

hiding you from me

Oct 4, 2022

i can see your fear

i want to bring you comfort,

want you to be seen

why do i feel that

i must use long words in here?

do short words bore you?

Oct 2, 2022

loneliness holds me

cradles me with comfort, then

pins me to the ground

it makes sense that i

feel this way, yes it makes sense

that i feel this way

to resilience!

and to the understanding

for the pain i feel

i want to float through

warm bodies with gentle limbs

held by everyone