a play written in the neo-futuristic aesthetic | shared in evy's notebook
[evy, X, and Y sitting on blocks together]
evy: hey X, how are you feeling today?
X: [honest answer that includes being tired]
[evy and Y both nod]
X: how are you, Y?
Y: [honest answer that includes being tired]
[evy and X both nod]
Y: what about you evy?
evy: [honest answer that includes being tired]
[X and Y both nod]
[evy slides off the block onto the ground to sit with more back support, X and Y can do the same if they want]
evy [facing X]: do you know why you’re tired?
X: [answers honestly in 1-2 sentences]
Y: I’m probably tired because [1-2 sentence answer]
[evy lies down on the ground. X and Y can do the same if they want]
evy: I never know for sure why I’m tired. I went to a conference last weekend and lost some sleep, though I also got some good naps in. I woke up early today for a class. I have a lot on my to-do list. Maybe I’m not eating enough nutrients? Or drinking enough water? Maybe I’m not breathing enough oxygen? Maybe it’s hopeless. I’ve been tired for as long as I can remember. I’m never not tired.
[pause for a moment]
evy: Okay that’s not true. Sometimes I’m not tired. But I’m tired of being tired and I want to be dramatic.
[X, Y, and evy all shout I’M SO TIRED a few times, pause for a moment, sigh together]